The 20th International Collaboration Meeting of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) was held online from July 18–29, 2022. The meeting consisted of three plenary sessions and 20 parallel sessions as well as technical reviews. About 180 scientists from Asia, Europe, and the Americas attended the meeting.Prof. WANG Yifang, JUNO spokesperson and director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, summarized the project's progress at the plenary session. Despite the pandemic and difficulties working in the underground laboratory, the JUNO team has managed to complete all planned work, including installation of the stainless steel structure for the central detector and the lifting platform, which marks a critical milestone in the construction of the JUNO detector. The project still faces challenges associated with construction of the acrylic vessel for the 20,000-ton liquid scintillator, PMT installation, and installation and commissioning of the liquid scintillator purification facilities. Local Installation Manager Ms. MA Xiaoyan reported on the project's onsite organization and installation progress. Detector installation began six months ago and onsite work and management have become more and more smooth. Each subsystem also reported its progress. The next work plan was discussed and agreed upon. Since the quarantine policy for international travel is loosening in China, the next collaboration meeting is planned for January 9–13, 2023 as a hybrid meeting with both in-person and online participation. 