The 19th International Collaboration Meeting of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) was held online from January 17 to 28, 2022. The meeting consists of 3 plenary sessions and 31 parallel sessions and technical reviews. About 210 scientists from Asia, Europe, and the Americas attended the meeting.
Prof. WANG Yifang, JUNO spokesperson and director of IHEP, summarized the project progress at the plenary session. The onsite detector installation started in December 2021, when the long-delayed civil construction has almost completed. The year 2022 will be crucial for the construction of the detector. There are still all kinds of difficulties and challenges. We will work together to complete the challenging task in time.
The on-duty Local Installation Manager (LIM), HENG Yuekun, reported the onsite organization and work progress. The first two 16-meter high supporting legs of the stainless steel truss have been successfully put up. The onsite work will continue during the Chinese New Year’s holiday. Each subsystem reports its progress. Especially, the low background control during the liquid scintillator filling process was discussed extensively, and the filling scheme has been chosen.
The JUNO Achievement Award for Young Researchers in 2021 was awarded to CHENG Jie of North China Electric Power University for her “key contributions on the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) sensitivity studies in JUNO.” The JUNO Ph.D. Thesis Prize was awarded to HAN Yang of the University of Paris 7 and ZHANG Feiyang of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
The next collaboration meeting will be held on July 18-29, 2022.