The 16th International Collaboration Meeting of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory experiment (JUNO) was held via videoconference from July 8-10. Approximately 230 scientists from China, Italy, Germany, France, Russia, the U.S., Chile and other countries/regions attended the meeting.
Prof. Yifang Wang, JUNO spokesperson and director of IHEP, discussed JUNO's overall situation and summarized its focus and schedule for the next phase. Every subsystem group held discussions in parallel sessions and reported their progress during the plenary session. Since the installation of the detector is scheduled, the attendees also discussed onsite management regulation and organization.
All collaborators have worked hard and produced great results during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Prof. Wang was reelected spokesperson of the collaboration and Prof. Marcos Dracos was chosen as chairman of the unit representative committee. In order to prepare for installation of the detector, the meeting also agreed to hold a workshop concerning the installation in October via videoconference.

Screenshot of the videoconference