The second International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISC) meeting of Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) was held at Guangxi University from January 18th to 19th. Eight great famous peer experts from China, Japanese, US, Italy, France, Germany and UK, attended the meeting.
Academician Yifang Wang, the spokesperson of JUNO, first introduced the overall status of the experiment. Professor Gioacchino Ranucci, the vice spokesperson of JUNO, introduced the project management. Subsequently, managers from sub-systems such as liquid scintillator online monitoring, Taishan antineutrino observatory, detector monitoring and data acquisition, offline, very low background research, cleaning method research, installation organization, physics research presented the corresponding design and development progress report. After that, the committee carried out a closed meeting and had a long discussion with the core members of JUNO. The Scientific Advisory Committee made suggestions on the experiment in terms of scientific goals, project progress, risk management, detector technology, etc.
The ISC will form a written report to be presented to the host institute and the JUNO collaboration.