From January 14th to 19th, the 13th international collaboration meeting of the JUNO experiment was held by the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute on Minhang campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Approximately 300 scientists from more than 50 universities and institutes, belonging to 13 countries and regions including China , Italy, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, and Thailand, attended the meeting.
The Vice President of SJTU, academician Junfa Mao addressed at the opening ceremony of the meeting. The spokesperson of JUNO, the director of IHEP, academician Yifang Wang gave a popular science report named “unveil the mysterious neutrinos”. He said that, The JUNO experiment is expected to fully complete its construction in 2021 and then can be operated for more than 20 years. After data taking, JUNO is promising to solve multiple scientific issues, such as neutrino mass hierarchy, explosion mechanism of Supernovae and so on, that will help us to have a better understanding of particle physics and make significant contributions to cosmology, astrophysics and even geophysics.
The meeting is a key turning point of the JUNO experiment to transit from the five years of preparation and infrastructure work to detector installation and integration. The associations between the different subsystems in the experiment are complex and the requirements for interface details are very strict. Scientists from different countries conducted a rigorous internal review of the preparations and interface design of the 10 subsystems of the JUNO experiment, such as the central detector, PMTs, calibration system, DAQ and detector monitoring system, and carried out the technical discussions and made plans for future work.
The meeting decided to establish “JUNO PhD thesis award” and “JUNO young researchers award” to enhance outstanding young talents.
The meeting announced that the 14th collaboration meeting would be held from July 22th to 26th, 2019 at IHEP.