The Seventh Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) International Collaboration Meeting was held in Xiamen University from January 11 to 15.
During the five-day meeting, scientists introduced the progress of infrastructural construction, software updates and antineutrino detectors R&D. Highlights of the discussions were given to testing of photomultiplier tube (PMT) performance, high voltage, underwater sealing, explosion protection, geomagnetism shielding, etc.
Eight new members were approved to join in the Collaboration, which included Jinan University, University of South China, Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Moscow State University, INFN-Catania, Institute of Modern Physics of CAS, Intitut Fur Kernpysik from Julich. Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria from Chile and CENBG-IN2P3 from France were listed as the observers of the Collaboration. Till now, the number of the JUNO Collaboration reached 62.
The next Collaboration Meeting will be held at IHEP in July.