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2014-03-06 | 【Large Medium Small

The JUNO project consists of 12 subsystems, including physics and management, central detector, veto detector, PMT R&D, liquid scintillator, electronics and trigger, DAQ and detector control system, calibration, software and computing,PMT test&protection, small PMT and civil construction. The project management committee consists of a manager, associate managers, general quality engineer, chief engineers, general technologists, chief economic manager, office manager, and managers of the 12 subsystems. There are regular meetings of the management committee and each subsystem for management and R&D progresses. The international collaboration (pre-collaboration) meetings hold every half year. At the meantime, multiple communication tools are established with mailing lists, document database, official public and internal website, etc.

 Project Organization


Collaboration Organization

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Jiangmen Underground Neutrino